Tagfood desert

Sunday Q&A: Abeika Alexander, Community Garden Advocate


Why have you taken on growing fresh produce and eating well as a personal cause?“Because food sovereignty is a community effort. If I am affected, indirectly or directly, then the whole community is affected by the lack of food.Being a food/agriculture activist, I can’t sit by in a food desert — having the skills that I have to grow food and to teach people to grow food — and do nothing. My...

Sunday Q&A: Olivia Amos, Director of The Food Mill


How would you describe the concept of Food Is Medicine? “It should be our first line of defense. What we put into our bodies is so important as far as nutrition and nourishment. The concept of Food Is Medicine is around that — just putting the right things, like fresh fruits and vegetables, into your body. Nothing that’s processed, no GMOs, so there’s no  chemicals — things that are not good for...