I’ve always had the desire to create.

I have a passion for music and did the band thing for years.

I’ve taken a break from that and started focusing on this new thing (visual art), after returning from a trip to Howard Finster Paradise Garden (in Summerville, Georgia).

Howard’s art was all I could think about. I even dreamed about it.

The following day I painted a snake on a piece of wood I found in the trash while out walking my dog.

I’ve not been able to stop since. And ive made over 200 pieces since…

I’ve meet the most incredible people so far.

Some, in our own backyard.

I take inspiration from songs and movies… they often help solidify ideas and themes that I may have had or sometimes ideas just appear.

Some of the artists I think about often and that have greatly influenced me are: Howard Finster, R.A. Miller, Eric Legge, Judith Scott, and Butch Anthony. I love all of their work.

Photos and Interview by Charley Windham