
Caught Up: Seth Brown, Director, Mayor’s Office of Crime Prevention


How politics, faith, and community connection share one man’s fight to keep his ‘finger in the dyke’ and cut off crime in Columbus at its root. “Caught Up: Criminal Justice in the Chattahoochee Valley” Vol. 5 Seth Brown in his “broom closet” office inside the city’s Annex building at 420 9th Street. “As you can see, all our office’s...

A Modern Love Story


A MODERN LOVE STORY Nearly 50 years ago a love story began between two teenagers at Baker High School. The military took the two Army Brats, Val Webb And Sherry Jackson, around the world and brought them together at Fort Benning, Georgia, where their fathers were stationed as Colonels. Val was an honor student, Sherry was Student Council Secretary; Val was the captain of the wrestling team...