George Meeker, one of the founders of the Army Aviation Heritage Foundation and soldier in Vietnam during the Tet Offensive in 1968.
“The whole idea of Vietnam, when you got over there with people who you didn’t know, they were strangers. But when you got back, you were brothers. Because, we were there not for the American flag, not there for Johnson, not there for mom and pop, we were there to protect each other. You took care of the guy next to you, because you never knew when you would need him to help you. We were a brotherhood, helping each other out. Black, White, Indian… it didn’t make any difference.”
As an active member of the Army Aviation Heritage Foundation, Mr. Meeker also participates in airshows around the nation. Meet him in our own Thunder in the Valley airshow happening April 8-9 at the Columbus Airport!
A big thanks to the National Infantry Museum for permission to interview the wonderful individuals that come through their doors.
Located on the edge of Ft. Benning Ga. the National Infantry Museum, voted Best Free Museum by USA today, has interactive galleries and immersive attractions that bring history to life for people of all generations.
*Hearts of the South is a new photojournalism project by photographer, Christina Paz Photography.*
Click here for more pictures from George Meekers interview at the Infantry Museum, and more.