Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero™ will begin with scratch vocal recordings at The Loft Recording Studios in Columbus, Georgia on Sunday, June 19th.
Fun Academy selected The Loft’s recording studio to begin production due to the extraordinary quality of their facility, sound technology, and exceptional staff.
“The Loft is one of Georgia’s best kept secrets,” says Richard Lanni, executive producer and writer of the film. “Columbus is providing exactly what we need to inspire the international team of animators through incredible talent, accessible venues, and innovative technology.”
Richard Lanni is already familiar with the Columbus area, having entered into a media production partnership with the National Infantry Museum Foundation in 2010.
Lanni is also partnered with the United States World War I Centennial Commission, a congressionally appointed body that named Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero – which tells the story of the most decorated canine hero of the American Expeditionary Force in World War I the “Film Project for the Centennial Anniversary of WWI.”
The studio also looked to the Springer Opera House, the Columbus School of Music & Dance, as well as Uptown Columbus music and arts scene to locate talent for the scratch vocal recording session.
“Places like the Springer and The Loft have always been aboutshowing the world what Columbus has to offer,” stated Paul Pierce, the Springer Opera House’s artistic director. “We’re glad to add another great project to our community’s artistic heritage.”
“It is an honor and a privilege to be on board with the Stubby team to bring Stubby’s wonderful story to the big screen. It is rare to find a tale that is set amongst the chaos of war that can be so heartwarming and remain so utterly captivating,” explains St. Pierre. “The writers have faithfully pulled together the facts of the story about the dog [Sgt. Stubby] and his handler, Corporal Robert Conroy. We are with them as they discover the soldier’s life in the trenches of France during World War 1 and how the dog and thetroops discover a great fondness for one another. The underlying message is for young and old, for dog lovers, veterans, history buffs, and families across the world to enjoy. Pure entertainment – I’m thrilled to be a part of it.”
The Columbus team will also include Michael Stokey, key military advisor on major productions by Steven Spielberg and Oliver Stone including Band of Brothers, The Pacific, and Born on the Fourth of July. Stokey is also an accomplished animation writer with more than 60 children’s shows including He-Man and the Masters of the Universe and Gulliver’s Travels to his credit.
Joseph B. Wilkinson, President of Fun Academy Motion Pictures, will also join the team during this first segment of production. Wilkinson has had a distinguished career serving 26 years in the United States Naval Reserve, spent most of his business career at The Coca-Cola Company, and served in the Ford and Reagan administrations. He was elected to the Georgia House of Representatives in 2000 and served eight terms.
Fun Academy™ Motion Pictures Studio will provide innovative educational entertainment to audiences worldwide through partnerships with motion picture exhibitors. Fun Academy is a trademark of Fun Academy Motion Pictures, registered in the United States of America and the European Union. All other trademarks are owned by their respective companies.