Written by April Norris
When asked why we need comedy, you may as well ask me why we need to breathe.
When asked about the comedy vibe in Columbus, GA I hesitate to say…but it’s a sad clown. Fear not! It is every reason why I loved Cookie more than Bozo (bit of a camera hog) on The Bozo Show. I’ve been observing comedy in this town my entire life, so I have a little street cred when I say that almost everyone I know in this town is funny. Comedy being born from tragedy makes the next generation the most hilarious this world has yet to see. Pay attention to the voices that love this town, funny or not.
“Comedy gives us all a break. Whether we just want to identify with something, get hit with a bunch of punchlines, not be alone with dark thoughts, or just hear a good story—comedy gives us a chance to relax and laugh together.”—Mike Murphy, Comedian

Mike and James Etchison, along with our local comedy leader, Jerry Farber, currently provide a workshop space “Up Close and Comedy” every Wednesday night at the Lemongrass Thai & Sushi restaurant (2435 Wynnton Rd) for people that think they are funny, or seriously have the affliction to make people laugh. Left open to interpretation renders it an actual art form, Mom (please don’t kick me out).
Jerry Farber is a veteran comedian and hero to a growing number of comics in our community.

One of Jerry’s kids is James Etchison, who opened for him at The Loft’s Comedy Night on Thursdays (7 & 9PM), he continues to be an amazing human being capable of delivering a joke comin’ in Brooklyn (bowling term). Mike Murphy absolutely has the superpower of taking you down a path you’re not sure you wanna be on, but for some reason you’re game (definitely a Goonie). Nicole Sanders DOES NOT rely on self-deprecation, but it’s funny when she hates herself. She’s homeschooled and adorable. Guy Dudley mixes poop and provocative topics to create shockingly funny jokes.
There are great places for comics to perform such as No Shame Theater at The Springer, Fountain City Coffee, or one could win a space by entering a contest from Pop Uptown (1234 Broadway) as Mike Murphy did!

He submitted a video and was chosen to host a comedy night featuring 10 local comedians, during the Friday Night Uptown Concert Series on the 1200 block, September 27th at 7:30PM/doors at 6:30PM.
Mike will host a night of laughs, and something that has never been done here before, with a group of hilarious people (suggested 18+ and $5 donations).
More Reasons We Need Comedy, From Comedians Performing at Pop UPtown:
“…lightheartedness for a minute or an hour. Comedy brings people together in this bleak world. People can forget about it awhile and be happy.”—Izzy Shirley
“I think it’s a way of stressing testing; like when you heat steal and it drops in the water and the atoms all cool down and get closer together and stronger than they were before.”—Guy Dudley
“We need comedy because we need an excuse to put hats on puppies. They aren’t gonna do it themselves.”—Nicole Sanders
Other featured performers include: Nick Bentley, Reuben Martin, Victoria, , Josh, and Jordan Post.