Since we couldn’t make it, Will Handal, of G. W. Handal Design & Consulting, shared some images and his experience of the 2016 Music Legacy Awards, with ECL.
The event was presented by MusEc Organization on Sunday night at The Convention and Trade Center in Columbus, GA.
The MLA’s are a regional based music awards show. Honoring musicians, artists, entertainers, and music promoters that impact our local communities.
MusEc Organization is a Georgia based non-profit committed to supporting music education for at-risk and disenfranchise youth. MuSec stands for Musicians Understanding Standard Education Concepts. Learn more here.
Will Handal presenting awards to Kevin Dillard and Lloyd Buchanan:
“We had a wonderful time and met some new friends. Most importantly, we were able to join in honoring tremendous music legends. Gospel legends to world renowned producers.” Will Handal
“They hosted musicians who have paved the way for others and representatives of multiple genres. It was a tremendous honor to take part.” Will Handal
Special thanks to the organization and especially to Executive Producer, Arreasha Lawrence, and her team.
We look forward to being involved next year, great job!
Will, I am SO VERY PROUD of you. You are a GREAT NEIGHBOR & Friend. LOVE, Fleur
Will, I am SO VERY PROUD of you. You are a GREAT NEIGHBOR & Friend. LOVE, Fleur