Imagine a space where creators of all sorts- artists, engineers, programmers, tinkerers, inventors- can come together and work.
Connect Columbus Is Bringing The City To You!
Are you looking for a way to engage in the community? To see why the Columbus, Georgia Region is a great place to work, live and play? The Young Professionals are hosting their 4th annual “Connect Columbus” event Thursday evening, at The Columbus Museum, 5:30-7:30 p.m. and they are bringing the city to you! In an effort to connect YPs to the community, this event will feature...
The Best B's of Summer!
Uptown Columbus and Budweiser are partnering to host the inaugural Budweiser + Burgers Cook-Off, Saturday, June 6, 4-10pm at The Park at 11th & Bay, and admission is FREE!
Home Is Where the Art Is
Our community needs safe places to process and celebrate life, while eliminating creative control.
Market Days on Broadway
Uptown Columbus, Inc. launched Market Days on the 1000 block of Broadway in 2008, and took up about half the block. Now, EVERY Saturday morning Broadway transforms the 900, 1000 & 1100 blocks! Market Days has taken over the medians, The RiverCenter property, and has become a highly anticipated, weekly event for many Columbusites. Over 150 local vendors are lined down Broadway! Many of them...
Who Are The Paddle Monkeys?
The mighty Chattahoochee rushes in the background.
Columbus Souls
"I'm drivin' to Nashville."
Artbeat 2015 “Keep Columbus Creative”
Celebrate the arts with Artbeat 2015, March 19th-31st!
Artbeat 2015 "Keep Columbus Creative"
Celebrate the arts with Artbeat 2015, March 19th-31st!
Columbus Souls
I got these glasses in prison.