I love all things FOOD; from kale and sashimi, to bacon cheeseburgers and ice-cream.
During the holidays I was monkey-see, monkey-eat. I called it “broadening my palate” and “celebrating”, but let’s be honest- my palate was becoming a vacuum, and the only thing broadening were my hips. It was time for self-intervention. Perfect timing, since I Love Juice Bar, Columbus’ first green smoothie and juice spot, opened in The Landings.
As one of the many locals who have been feigning for a juice bar, I was beyond excited. Nutrition has always been important to me. My problem is staying focused. Point out a fried chicken ad, or walk me past a BBQ joint, and watch me throw myself face down into the smorgasbord. The Juice Bar was going to be my safe haven from the evil world of all things delectable.
For those of you who have not experienced green smoothies and cold pressed juices, they’re better than you’d imagine any liquid mixed with celery and spinach would be. The fruit masks all the green stuff, and they are surprisingly sweet! But if you’re into the no-fruit, non-sweet, straight up green stuff, they’ve got plenty of delicious selections in that realm also. I fell in love with the “Mean Greens” juice with jalapenõs.
If you despise certain ingredients alone, just ask to sample before you knock it. For example, if you’re a beet hater, you will be shocked (in a good way) after trying “We Got the Beet”. Beet-lieve me, it will change you.
There are several different selections offered, like meal replacement smoothies, salads, soups, hummus, and vegan sweet snacks, just to name a few. They also offer essential oil shots. If you know me, you’ve heard me explain how powerful these are.
When I stopped in the juice bar, the sign on the wall welcomed me to ask about the juice cleanse. This was just what I needed.
After sitting down and learning the details of their cleanse, I was ready to start. They had me stop in the following day to pick up 2 days worth of juices. This would be my only source of nutrience, other than water. On day 2, I’d come in to pick up my last day’s worth. It was so easy getting set up with everything I needed. They even tailored the juices to fit more of my taste preference! Although nervous, the idea of not having to worry about preparing meals and cleaning the kitchen for a few days was nice.
Day 1: I was motivated! I had juices in my fridge, my yoga mat out, and purified water on hand. By mid-day, I’d had 3 juices and didn’t even feel starving! I wondered if it’s because I stocked up on sushi and sake with tater tots for dessert the night before (which I do not recommend before a cleanse). I was scared of not eating for days, and went into an emotionally driven food-reserve frenzy. But looking back, it only added time to get rid of the extra sludge. I was able to enjoy some gentle yoga stretching with deep breathing that evening, and had my last juice around 8pm. That night, I slept like a baby! For anyone who is battling insomnia, I highly recommend trying this out.
Day 2: I was exhausted. I was warned about this. When cleansing, our bodies aren’t taking in the usual amount of calories and protein we are used to, causing energy levels to decrease. This caused more of a challenge to resist food. I think it started in the middle of the first night, with fantasies of hot wings and vinegar fries from the fair. I was craving SALT. I continued drinking lots of water in between my juices, which helped enormously. That night, I slept harder than I had in a long time.
I woke up feeling energized, which is saying a lot since I have never been a morning person. Fortunately, I was becoming full on 1 jar of juice! I was blown away, considering my comfortably, large appetite. Just as I’d start getting hungry again, it would be time to re-juice.
I also noticed I didn’t battle my usual 2-4pm war with sleep, probably due to the lack of starch and gluten in my system. 5pm hit, and a wave of energy came over me. I did a 20 minute cardio, and 30 minute restorative yoga session that evening. I definitely overdid it. I was just so motivated! I proceeded to hit the sack early, and slept for 9 hours straight. My body was beginning to love me.
Day 3: I was impressed. I woke up feeling energized. I had noticeably increased mental clarity and energy. From my eyes to my ankles, my whole body felt slim, and my skin had a glow. This was the best feeling. I did some light rebounding to drain my lymphatic system for exercise. I was planning on doing the cleanse through the evening, but I went to a party and ate light appetizers around 7pm. I will say, if you want to experience a new-found appreciation for food, do the cleanse. Those were the best cheese and crackers of my life.
The juice cleanse alone is not going to give you a beach body. You may lose a few pounds along the way, but the intent is to detox. Our organs are used to breaking materials down in our bodies constantly. The cleanse allows them to rest, freeing them from the burden of digesting food. This way, they can more efficiently release any toxins trapped in our system. Juice cleanses work better if you prepare your body the week prior, by eliminating processed foods, caffeine, and alcohol.
Overall, this was an amazing experience. I’d like to make this a monthly routine.
If you’re looking to begin a new health/fitness routine, this is an amazing way to jump-start healthy eating and break the cycle of saturated fat, refined carb, processed food, caffeine and alcohol dependence. Even if you’re on the go and feel the food struggle emerging around lunchtime, we now have convenient options like this to get you through, and send you out feeling great.
Written by Cora King
Thanks for your day-by-day account of your cleanse, Cora. We’re so happy that I Love Juice Bar could be a part of your good health and wellness! We love the blog and can’t wait to see more posts about ALL the good things going on in Columbus!
Thanks so much for this detailed write-up. I, too, am a juicer. I am currently on day 7 on a cleanse and since day 4 (when I flew in from NY) I have been doing the Essential Cleanse from the juice bar here in Columbus. In this week I have lost 12 pounds and a couple of sizes in clothes. I’m so grateful for the energy I have and the lighter, easier feeling in my body without carrying the extra weight.